Anne Nichols Reynolds - Author

Mary Ann de Stefano is a wizard. She not only created my gorgeous poetry website, she taught me how to maintain it so I can add posts and update everything. She has patiently answered my hundreds of questions and is such a capable teacher that I figured out how to add photos on my own. Is there nothing she can’t do? Website.
Terry Godbey - Poet

Working with Mary Ann de Stefano is pure flow and inspiration. She has creative talent and generosity of spirit….She brings warmth, responsiveness, and efficiency to the tasks at hand.
Hedy Schleifer - Schleifer + Associates

Mary Ann de Stefano listened, grasped my vision, and then created an exceptional website for Playful Early Learners. MAD brings unique design, imagery, and pizzazz, along with a professional writer’s eye, to each website she creates. Website.
Jan Parish, M.Ed. - Playful Early Learners

Mary Ann did so much more than just edit my novel Prodigious Savant. She also showed me where it worked, where it didn’t work, and how to improve the manuscript to publishing quality. I would highly recommend her for your next project. Website.
J.J. White - Author, Prodigious Savant, Black Opal Books

As I began to review and implement your suggested editing changes to my MS, I couldn’t help but marvel at your ability to condense unnecessary phraseology into more economical wording. You also identified repetitious stylistic habits that I didn’t even know I had. … My work had been read by four other reviewers, none of whom made such cogent suggestions as yours. My book is much better because of your advice, and I would heartily recommend your services to others. Website.
Raff Ellis - Author of Kisses from a Distance & Dam Foolishness

It’s worth every bit of the fee to be able to escape into my writing world for those few precious hours. As always, I picked up a few valuable nuggets of information that will come in handy as I write.
Ed Masessa - NY Times Bestselling Author of Wandmaker's Guidebook

Mary Ann de Stefano is prompt, professional and patient while working to make your website and newsletter an exact reflection of your personal style. She listens to your needs and desires, and sticks with the project until she exceeds your expectations. I give her my highest recommendation. Website.
Darlyn Finch Kuhn - Author, Sewing Holes, forthcoming from Twisted Road Publications

Each Monday when I receive the Muse, I totally enjoy it … The reading and rereading of it adds to the beginning of my week and allows me a moment of deepening first thing on a Monday morning. Website
Dale Midgette Smith - Author, White Wolf Musings

To my delight, Mary Ann’s careful evaluation of my book manuscript proved to be the medicine I needed to reshape it into a memoir—the story of my escaping a fundamentalist cult. Her kindness was and still is the golden honey that helps the medicine of rewriting easier to take! If your work needs healing, do yourself a favor and contact Mary Ann. Website.
Charlene L. Edge - author, Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of The Way International™

Through a series of weekly meetings, Mary Ann helped me sort through the chaos in my head and find the one true voice that really mattered. Website.
Joe Zagame - Author, The Immigrant

Mary Ann designed my freelance writer website and did an amazing job. I wanted to find someone who had the heart of a writer and the eye of a designer and Mary Ann fit the bill. All of her suggestions from a hosting company to plug-ins were fantastic! Every serious writer needs a website, and I’m glad I chose Mary Ann to build mine. Website.
Heather Geo - SEO Copywriter & Content Editor

You really are a great teacher! My writing style has improved dramatically.
Kara - a graduate student writing her dissertation

Kudos! This newsletter format shows perhaps the best understanding of how electronic reading works that I have seen. Nice job!
Ray Andrews - Writer

I know of few individuals more hard-working, reliable, effective, talented, and committed. Website.
Joyce Whidden - Executive Director, Adult Literacy League

I was actually amazed at how much I got from the prompts [at the workshop]. I feel that I have 3 new pieces in progress—at least! It felt comfortable and safe, but still challenged.
K.D. - Workshop Participant

I think sometimes we writers just need to feel free to toss out ideas and not feel judged or silly for trying something new. You provided us with that venue and I am truly grateful.
J.G. - Writer

Really was a great workshop, but then all MAD’s are. Very professional and the quality of presenters is always wonderful. It’s amazing how freely they share their expertise with us and treat all of us as peers in the writing process.
K.B. - Workshop Participant

I love your work, your group, your blog, your energy and your contribution to and leadership of the writing community.
Susie Pecuch - Pecuch & Company